Our team of experienced doctors and staff is dedicated to ensuring a comfortable and seamless healthcare experience.
Mon - Sat: 9:00AM - 1:00PM
+9188866 45368


Hospital Technologies:

  • Advanced NICU setup
  • ECG
  • Digital X-Ray
  • MRI 3 Tesla
  • MR Angiogram and Venogram
  • 128 Slice CT Scan
  • Ultrasound machine
  • Digital Cath Labs
  • Mammography
  • Endoscopy 
  • Colonoscopy 
  • Diagnostic EUS
  • Capsule Endoscopy
  • High-Resolution Oesophageal Manometry
  • Colour Doppler – neck arterial doppler study
  • Advanced Pulmonary Function Lab
  • Minimal Access Spinal Technologies (MAST)