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Mon - Sat: 9:00AM - 1:00PM
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A variety of diagnostic imaging services are offered by the Radiology Department of Princess Durre Shehvar Hospital, a cutting-edge institution that uses the most recent tools and technology. Our team of skilled radiologists, technicians, and support personnel collaborates to provide our patients accurate diagnostic imaging services on time.


Our Radiology Department provides a variety of imaging services, including:

  • X-rays: Using electromagnetic radiation, X-rays are a sort of diagnostic imaging that creates pictures of the inside organs and tissues of the body. Bone fractures, lung diseases, and other gastrointestinal illnesses are often diagnosed via X-rays.
  • Ultrasound Scan: Ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging method that creates pictures of inside organs and structures using high-frequency sound waves. Conditions involving the pelvis, abdomen, and reproductive system are often diagnosed by ultrasound.
  • Computed Tomography (CT) Scan: A CT scan is a diagnostic imaging technique that creates in-depth pictures of the body using X-rays and computer technologies. A variety of illnesses, such as cancer, brain traumas, and cardiovascular disease, are often diagnosed by CT scans.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Using a strong magnetic field and radio waves, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a non-invasive diagnostic imaging procedure, creates precise pictures of the body. MRI is often used to identify diseases of the joints, soft tissues, brain, spinal cord, and joints.


We are dedicated to providing our patients with the best diagnostic imaging services possible in a secure and relaxing setting at Princess Durre Shehvar Hospital. The most recent equipment is available in our radiology department, and it is manned by qualified experts who are committed to giving our patients speedy and accurate diagnoses.

The pathology department of Princess Durre Shehvar Hospital is committed to giving our patients rapid access to reliable diagnostic tests and analysis. Our staff of pathologists and laboratory technicians, all of whom are highly trained and experienced, undertake a variety of diagnostic procedures and tests using the most recent technologies.


Our pathology department provides the following services, among others:

  • Histopathology: To identify illnesses and disorders, histopathology analyses tissue samples. Our pathologists evaluate tissue samples and provide precise diagnoses using microscopes and other diagnostic equipment.


  • Hematology: The study of blood and its constituent parts. To identify illnesses including anaemia, leukaemia, and other blood disorders, our laboratory professionals analyse blood samples using a range of assays.


  • Microbiology: Microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, and fungus are the subject of the science of microbiology. Our lab professionals do a number of tests on samples including blood, urine, and other body fluids to identify infections and other diseases.


  • Clinical Chemistry: Clinical chemistry is the study of chemical elements in body fluids such blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid. To identify diseases including diabetes, liver and kidney disease, and heart disease, our laboratory professionals do a number of tests.


  • Immunology: The study of immunity and how it reacts to illnesses and circumstances. To identify illnesses including autoimmune disorders and allergies, our laboratory professionals do a number of tests.


We at Princess Durre Shehvar Hospital are dedicated to provide the best diagnostic tests and analysis services to our patients. Our pathology department is staffed with highly qualified experts and has the newest equipment to ensure that our patients get prompt and accurate diagnosis.